‘Emotional Intelligence - A Leadership Imperative!’

Written by Daire Coffey and Deirdre Murray

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)- A Leadership Imperative!

Now more than ever technical know how, IQ and knowledge are no longer enough to navigate these uncertain and turbulent times. Today’s leaders need to adopt a more collaborative, resilient and compassionate leadership style - one that is underpinned by Emotional Intelligence. In this book Daire and Deirdre explain what EQ is, why it is important and give practicals strategies and tips to develop the 10 key emotional intelligence skills to enhance your overall performance as a leader.

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  • Dr Mary Collins
    EQ is an integral part of our talent and leadership programmes. This book presents an often ‘woolly’ topic in a year, logical and interesting way. Highly recommended!
    Dr Mary Collins
    Leadership Academy, RCSI and formerly Head of Talent at Deloitte
  • Caroline Casey
    Never before has Emotional Intelligence been such an integral part of our personal and business life. The beauty of this book is that it offers practical advice and skills necessary to copy positively with the challenging world we live in.
    Caroline Casey
    TED Speaker, Businesswoman, Disability Activist & Award Winning Social Innovator
  • Aidan Connolly
    This book is a practical easy to read guide to Emotional Intelligence with examples of how you can improve not own your own EQ but enhance the performance of your entire team.
    Aidan Connolly
    Vice President, Alltech Biotechnology
  • Dr Simon Boucher
    EQ is widely accepted as the ’sine qua non’ of effective leadership. This book delivers an essential ‘how to’ guide on the subject and practical steps and action panning tools to develop your own EQ in a structured, easy-to-follow manner.
    Dr Simon Boucher
    Chief Executive, Irish Management Institute
  • Greg Swift
    A small practical book that packs a big punch - a must for all current and aspiring entrepreneurs.
    Greg Swift
    CEO, Dublin City Local Enterprise Office


Emotional Intelligence (EQ)- A Leadership Imperative!

The world of work is changing. It is becoming more virtual, diverse, and dispersed, with an ever-greater need for improved leadership capability. The World Economic Forum predicts that 42% of current core skills will be outdated by 2022, and that, ‘Emotional Intelligence (EQ), will see an outsized increase in demand. EQ is no soft skill. In fact according to  Harvard Business Review EQ accounts for nearly 90 percent of what sets high performers apart.

More than a decade ago, Goleman highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership, telling the, “The most effective leaders are all alike in one crucial way: They all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence. It’s not that IQ and technical skills are irrelevant. They do matter, but...they are the entry-level requirements for executive positions. We all know a highly intelligent, highly skilled executive who was promoted into a leadership position only to fail at the job. And they also know a story about someone with solid—but not extraordinary—intellectual abilities and technical skills who was promoted into a similar position and then soared .

Can EQ Be Developed?

The good news is that unlike IQ, EQ skills can be developed. Yes, we now know that our brains are neuroplastic and can rewire to develop new skills.

What are the benefits of high EQ?

  • Ability to connect with more impact and authenticity
  • Improved wellbeing and resilience
  • Deal with challenges in a proactive
  • Manage challenging conversations and deal with conflict
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